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Christian Lovgren - Vocals

Christian Lovgren

What is your full name and what instruments do you play?
Christian William Lovgren. I am the lead singer for Shrew, but I played drums before I joined. I made the transition from drums to vocals very gradually though. I was the lead singer and drummer in the last few bands I was in. Before that, just drums.

When and where were you born?
I was born in San Jose, Ca. in 1979, on 9/14 at 9:14 a.m.

Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Northern California in a town called Redding. I have some really, really great memories of Redding and some really, really awful memories of Redding.

What got you into playing music?
Growing up, my house wasn’t all that musical until my brothers made it that way. They were always playing music and listening to tapes (that’s right… I said tapes). Ken started out with the guitar and keys; both of which I can’t play. Then Brandon picked up the guitar from Ken. But, it wasn’t until those drums showed up that I really felt that spark. The three of us played that old beat up kit night and day. My brother’s seemed to understand it intuitively. But, I didn’t. I had to work at it. My Mom’s response to my drumming was, “I didn’t think you would get it. It didn’t seem like you had any rhythm.” Despite that comment my parents were always a huge support when it came to our creativity, especially my Dad. I have always sung, but never really took it seriously until about 2002 when I had my first major heartbreak. I needed a stronger emotional release than the drums. Writing and Singing really did that for me and totally saved my life.

Do you have any other passions besides for music?
My stars; do I ever! I love to spend most of my time with my beautiful Wife and our adorable daughter. I am an avid artist, writer, and web-designer. Check me out at Yes, that is one of the addresses in the copyright section of the Shrew site, which in turn means that I authored the site as well. Was that a shameless plug? That’s right it was. Take it!

What, or who, are your musical influences?
Unfortunately, pain is my biggest musical influence. When I am hurting it just spills out. Then of course all those great bands out there and the occasional flood of booze-pills.

Who has been the biggest musical inspiration of your life?
My brothers, for sure.

Would you say music as a whole is getting better, gotten worse, or has remained the same?
I am totally jaded as far as that one goes. I know that music is a very personal journey and that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and that each experience shapes your individual life and taste, but I think music just used to be better. It seems as time goes on the true artist is harder to find. I think commercialism is actively killing the artist. Not to say that there are not terrific artists in and out of the commercial spectrum and not to say that I am above accepting money for art. Man, I need to buy a house someday too, you know. But, I hope that I will never be put in a situation where my art is compromised by money.

How did you come to join Shrew?
I asked my Ex-Roomie and one of my best Friends Jessica Eurotas if she knew anyone that I could sing with. She replied, “Actually, my cousin’s band is looking for a singer.” Turns out Jessica had a kick ass drummer of a Cousin and he had a buddy that played guitar like a whirling dervish (Chris had yet to join). I loaded up my gear in my freak van, drove on over, and we hit it off immediately! The clincher for me was when I asked them if they had lyrics for me they replied, “Nope, it’s an open canvas.” I fell in love then and there and the feeling was mutual. We actually toasted with Champagne! It was so nerdy. It just felt right.

What is your favorite part of being in Shrew?
The diplomacy is my favorite part. We are all sensitive Men that realize the importance of conversation and fulfilling each other’s creative needs. It is actually quite rewarding. These guys have become my best friends over the last few years and I am really proud of what we have accomplished together.

What is your favorite Shrew song and why is it your favorite?
I like them all for different reasons, but Consequence is probably my favorite. The way it came together really solidified that I was meant to work with each of these three boys. I had already written the lyrics and melody and wanted to see if they could pull off the task of writing around an already tightly structured a capella song. I think the product speaks for itself. It’s just such a fun song to play!

What would be your dream venue to play?
Professionally, The Fillmore in San Francisco, Ca. or The Shoreline Amphitheater in Mountain View, Ca. But, personally, I would love to play The Civic Auditorium in my hometown of Redding.

Who would you love to accompany on your dream playbill and why?
It would probably go like this: We would open, then Bjork would take the stage, then Beck would bust out some sweet dance moves, then the Foo Fighters would make it all moody, then Radio-Head would finish them off. Because, that would sound, like, so super toit’!!!

Where would you like to see Shrew in the next 5 years?
Signed, happy, successful, a few albums down, a grip of fans, and knowing that we have made a difference to those that have felt the same and needed to know that they were not alone. That may take a bit longer than five years, but I think it is possible. We’re working on it.

Copyright Christian Lovgren